Welcome to BlikeU Podcast I’m your host Nina Kako, I’m so excited to be alive with YOU right now. This journey has taught me that by manifesting and attracting everything we desire, we can truly love our lives. This belief fuels my passion for inspiring others to live their best lives through a positive mindset and abundant energy. As a certified life coach, happily married to my best friend for almost 3 decades, and a proud parent of two wonderful children and the greatest puppy. My life is a testament to the power of positive thinking, disciplined habits, and the magic of manifestation fueled by pure Love. Every week, I bring you episodes filled with wisdom, passion, value, and practical advice to help you embrace the present moment and live life to its fullest. Join me on this journey of self-discovery, growth, and joy. Together, we’ll explore how to create a life overflowing with happiness and fulfillment, right here and right NOW. Tune in and let’s embark on this adventure together! Follow along: https://www.instagram.com/ninakako?igsh=YW1kcGFmcmpjeDVu http://www.hohshow.com/

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Has something you said with good intentions ever led to conflict? Why does this happen? And how do we resolve it?
This week, we dive into a common problem that all people face across all types of relationships: misunderstandings. Whether it’s with your spouse, your boss, your friends, your kids, or whomever, simple misunderstandings can easily balloon into conflict if not addressed and resolved correctly. We dissect a misunderstanding that led to conflict in our own relationship just the night before recording this episode, how it started, how we resolved it, and what can be done to recognize and disarm misunderstandings before they escalate. We discuss the importance of hearing the other person and acknowledging their viewpoint and context, as well as the art of de-escalating disputes and re-approaching them with cooler heads.
We hope our personal experiences in dealing with these issues help and inspire you to examine how you deal with these issues in your own lives.
Thank you for tuning in and we’ll see you next week.
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Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Valentine‘s Day
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
How did you keep the love alive on this unprecedented Valentine’s Day?
In this week’s episode, we share the story of our romantic Valentine’s sort-of-getaway to show you how we keep our love alive and our love tanks full. Given current COVID-19 measures, the typical ways most of us spend our Valentine’s Days weren’t an option, so we booked a night in a nearby hotel and created our own romantic escape away from our day-to-day lives, work, and the kids. With just a little bit of effort and a commitment to enjoying each other’s company, we were able to turn what could have been an otherwise forgettable Valentine’s Day into an unforgettable night full of laughter, dancing, and intimacy (and maybe a bit of wine, too!).
For those of you who had a lackluster-lockdown-Valentine’s Day, we share this in hopes of inspiring you to create these experiences and memories for and with your partner. And for those of you who did celebrate this year, please share what you did with us over on our Instagram. We love hearing what you guys do to keep your love tanks full, too!
Also on Instagram: GIVEAWAY!
That’s right, this week we’ll be giving away one of our Art Date Boxes we announced for Valentine’s Day. All you’ll need to do is follow us on Instagram, comment on our Date Box Giveaway post and tag 3 of your friends. For every 3 friends tagged you’ll get one entry. The winner of the giveaway will be announced next week, February 23rd on the podcast.
Insta @headoverheelsshow
Insta Nina @NinaKako Roger @roger_guertin
Facebook @headoverheelsshow
TikTok @tdot_fam
You Tube @tdot_fam
Email us@hohshow.com

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
The Laughing Couple
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
This week we had the incredible pleasure of interviewing one of the funniest couples around: The Laughing Couple.
Brittany and Ryan Ostofe are a hilarious married couple, loving parents of two beautiful children and hosts of the must-listen ‘The Laughing Couple Podcast’, a show about “marriage, parenting; and the shitstorm that comes with having it all.” After following them on Tik Tok and listening to their show, we invited them on to discuss their marriage, parenting, their show and the secrets to their success in all of it.
We covered a vast range of topics in this episode. From their tumultuous history as a young couple to consciously building their happy life and loving family, ‘playing the pregnancy card’ and how it worked for them, the talents of humanity on the internet, learning to communicate effectively and why working on yourself is an important part of that development, dating a loser, the challenges of being home and dealing with COVID-19 together, love & fear as the root of all human emotions and much, much more. Brittany and Ryan share with us a vtial relationship tool they utilize on their show, “I love you but youre annoying…” and the importance of being real and raw on social media.
We had such a lovely conversation with them and encourage all of our listeners to check our their show ‘The Laughing Couple Podcast’ anywhere you listen to your podcasts, or at any of the following:
Instagram: @thelaughingcouplepodcast
TikTok: @bosstofe
The Laughing Couple Website: https://www.thelaughingcouple.com/
Finally, we’re excited to announce our Valentine’s Day Date Box: Art Edition is on sale now! The Date Box is the perfect choice to spice up this special Valentine’s Day, which features a set including washable body paint and a canvas for two… let your bodies create a masterpiece. For more information or to order your Date Box, visit our website at:
Date Box: Art Edition: https://headoverheelsshow.com/product/date-box-art-edition/
Insta @headoverheelsshow
Insta Nina @NinaKako Roger @roger_guertin
Facebook @headoverheelsshow
TikTok @tdot_fam
You Tube @tdot_fam
Email us@hohshow.com

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Are You Jealous?
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Are you jealous? Has jealousy manifested itself as anger or resentment toward your partner? How have you dealt with it?
In this week’s episode, we dive into a topic that affects all people and relationships to some degree, yet many fail to properly address it with their partner. Jealousy is a seemingly natural human emotion; quite often it’s just a sign that you care. But dealt with the wrong way, jealously can drive a wedge between an otherwise happy and healthy relationship. To help others overcome and avoid this wedge, we take a dive into some of our own bouts with jealousy in our past, dissect what made us feel that way, how we dealt with it at the time, and how it could’ve been handled differently. By opening up our relationship and communication to you all, we hope we can encourage stronger communication between you and your partners, and help you deal with the insecurities and barriers that arise from feeling jealous.
Remember, jealousy is not fact, it’s a feeling.
To close the episode out, we discuss our COVID-friendly Valentine’s Day plans - an absolute must to keep your relationship strong in these trying times - and announce our new “Date Box” to help you do just that. Our Valentine’s Date Box is a fun goodie box with all you’ll need for a perfect stay-at-home date this special Valentine’s Day. Tune in for more info or check out our website at:
Insta @headoverheelsshow
Insta Nina @NinaKako Roger @roger_guertin
Facebook @headoverheelsshow
TikTok @tdot_fam
You Tube @tdot_fam
Email us@hohshow.com

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Divorcing Well w/ Leanne Townsend
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
When all else fails, how does one know if divorce is the right choice for their relationship? Is divorce always a force of negativity? Or can divorce be a positive choice with positive outcomes?
On this episode of the Head Over Heels Show, we invite the lovely Leanne Townsend on to help us answer our questions about divorce. Leanne is a partner with Brauti Thorning LLP and practices exclusively in the area of family law, with a particular expertise in cases involving domestic violence and spousal abuse. Leanne is regularly featured in the media for her expertise in divorce and hosts the podcast ‘Divorcing Well’.
With divorce rates on the rise, we leaned on Leanne for her breadth of knowledge on the topic to help us better understand why people get divorced, how to avoid divorce, how to best prepare and protect yourself in your marriage and much, much more. Leanne shares the most common causes of divorce, what they all share, and the one thing that can help avoid them: (hint: it’s something we talk about all the time) Communication! She helps us understand the business perspective of marriage and how failure to acknowledge that component can lead to a breakdown in communication and ultimately divorce, as well as helps dispel myths and misconceptions about prenups and why they might be a good idea for you.
Although we normally like to talk about how to make your relationship thrive, Leanne fills in the holes in our knowledge with an endless stream of practical, thoughtful knowledge about divorce, family, and ultimately, finding happiness in this info-packed episode.
For more info on Leanne, her practice, or divorce, you can find Leanne’s podcast ‘Divorcing Well’ on all major podcast platforms in addition to the following links:
Leanne’s website: https://leannetownsend.ca/
Leanne’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leannetownsendlife/
Leanne’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leannetownsendlife/
Ontario resources for divorce:
Law Society of Ontario Lawyer Referral Service: https://lso.ca/public-resources/finding-a-lawyer-or-paralegal/law-society-referral-service
Ontario Abuse Hotline Resources:
Insta @headoverheelsshow
Insta Nina @NinaKako Roger @roger_guertin
Facebook @headoverheelsshow
TikTok @tdot_fam
You Tube @tdot_fam
Email us@hohshow.com

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Bonus Prelaunch Interviews: Being In A Couple vs. Dating In Quarantine
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
In this week’s show, we take a look back at two pre-launch bonus interviews beginning with our good friends Marlaina and Matt, followed by a second with the lovely Candice. In light of new COVID measures in our home of Toronto, we look back at these two conversations recorded early in the pandemic under similar circumstances.
Recorded before our show officially launched, and certainly long before we knew we’d still be dealing with the pandemic all this time later, we explore how life, family, and love have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Marlaina and Matt discuss how being home with each other and their children has enriched their family and helped them build sacred family time into their lives. Matt discusses the evolving workplace and the upsides to working from home and cutting down on travel. Candice shares her perspective of the lockdown, from raising 3 children as a single mother to moving her dating life from the restaurants to the screen.
These differing stories enrich our understanding of the different experiences of the pandemic and serve as a friendly reminder that we’re all in this together. And despite how challenging the times can be, there are still positives, growth, and happiness we can gain.
Thanks for tuning in! We’ll be back next week with a new show.
Insta @headoverheelsshow
Insta Nina @NinaKako Roger @roger_guertin
Facebook @headoverheelsshow
TikTok @tdot_fam
You Tube @tdot_fam
Email us@hohshow.com

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Meditation & Breath Work w/ Brian Coones
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
The mind is a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it expands. How you train your mind will affect the way you live.
The way you talk to yourself, the way you show up for your relationships, raise your children, manage your business and everything else are all products of this work. The question is: how do you want that life to look? What do you want to manifest for yourself so you can have your best life in 2021 and beyond?
This episode, mindfulness coach Brian Coones joins us to discuss his ‘Rewire’ program designed to mindfully connect with and inspire others so they can rewire their mindset, reduce stress, upgrade their health and happiness, and to find purpose and develop resilience. With all of the stresses of this year and last year, Brian is the perfect guest to equip us with the tools we need to conquer those stresses. His specialization in breathwork and meditation givs him the perfect experience to guide us in our own journeys of building resilience, conquering anxiety and being better people.
Brian discusses the power of our bodies and the capabilities of our minds if set in the right mindset. We explore the effectiveness of breathwork: why most of us breathe incorrectly, how dedicated breathwork can change the chemistry of your body and improve your life, and Brian guides us through our own short breathwork session.
Thank you to Brian for joining us for our first interview of 2021 and thank you to everyone tuning in.
You can find Brian at:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/briancoones/
Web: https://briancoones.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brian.coones.9
Insta @headoverheelsshow
Insta Nina @NinaKako Roger @roger_guertin
Facebook @headoverheelsshow
TikTok @tdot_fam
You Tube @tdot_fam
Email us@hohshow.com

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
2021 New Years Push & Pull Goals
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
How do we cultivate the life we want to live and continue our personal growth year over year? What pushes (or pulls) you to meet those accomplishments?
In the inaugural episode of our second season and the first of the new year, we discuss the vital role that goal-setting plays in our lives. We reflect on how we’ve developed and utilized our yearly goal setting to build our lives and family, and how that has helped us accomplish our broader goals in life. We discuss strategies for setting goals, including dividing our goals into categories such as health, family, finance, freedom & more; for sticking to goals by leveraging each other and by keeping our goals in sight; and for seeing them through by putting them into action.
We dive into all of our own personal goals: what they mean to us, how we plan to achieve them, and how we’ll stay accountable to them, and dissect how that’s worked for us in the past.
Finally, our kids join us as we help them work through their own goals and apply our strategies to their own budding lives.
Thank you for tuning in to our exciting second season! We can’t wait to share what we have in store for our audience in 2021.
Insta @headoverheelsshow
Insta Nina @NinaKako Roger @roger_guertin
Facebook @headoverheelsshow
TikTok @tdot_fam
You Tube @tdot_fam
Email us@hohshow.com

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Gratitude & Couple Goals
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
In spite of a difficult and bizarre year for many around the world, what keeps us positive going into a new year?
To close out 2020, Nina and Roger reflect on their gratitude for their health, happiness, family, and more. We discuss our strategies for setting goals for the upcoming year both individually and as a couple, and offer suggestions on how to implement those strategies into your own lives. We contemplate the importance of setting definitive short and long-term goals and how the visualization of those goals has materialized in our own lives and success.
We wish all of our listeners a wonderful, healthy and happy holidays and New Years. Thank you to everyone who tuned in in 2020 and we cannot wait to share what's in store for 2021.
Happy New Years!
Insta @headoverheelsshow
Insta Nina @NinaKako Roger @roger_guertin
Facebook @headoverheelsshow
TikTok @tdot_fam
You Tube @tdot_fam
Email us@hohshow.com

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
What We Learned So Far: Revisiting Previous Lessons
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
What kind of tangible impact can listening to relationship experts have and how do we implement those lessons we learn? What’s the secret to continuously improving your bond with your significant other?
As Season 1 of Head Over Heels comes to an end, we revisit a handful of important lessons from our incredible guests and discuss how we’ve implemented those lessons into our own family and relationship. We evaluate how they’ve improved our own partnership, our family life, and our work life, and give feedback on how you can do the same.
Dr. Jessica O’Reilly and Brandon Ware remind us of the importance of prioritizing each other to keep your love tank full, while the exciting couple from Duo Transcend, Mary Wolfe-Nielsen and Tyce Neilson, discuss the delicate trapeze act of balancing your family, relationships, work, and health. Jennifer Lehr and Mike Bosworth preach the importance of feeling comfortable in your relationship and the hilarious Susan Winter works with us on our communication and helps us identify and nip bad communication tendencies in the bud. Finally, Laura Bilotta reminds us of the vital step of cultivating a positive life for yourself before putting yourself on a dating site while Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman break down marital conflict.
This special episode is packed full of invaluable tips for your relationships and honest reflection on how they’ve worked for us.
Additionally, we tease our upcoming fitness product to help you stay strong and healthy at home, and reflect on the value the show has brought to our lives while discussing what we have planned for the future.
There’s tons to look forward to in 2021 so join us as we close out this crazy year.
Insta @headoverheelsshow
Insta Nina @NinaKako Roger @roger_guertin
Facebook @headoverheelsshow
TikTok @tdot_fam
You Tube @tdot_fam
Email us@hohshow.com